No Longer Only Half Crazy…


Holy cow I am so nervous!! I have always wanted to run a full marathon, it has been a bucket list item for me every since I got into running. I mean what an accomplishment! I give so much credit to those who run marathons. So last night I got up the courage to actually sign up for one. I pretty much stared at the submit button for a good 3 minutes before actually clicking it. So yeah I’m freaking out a little bit inside. But, I am going to follow a training program and hopefully that will get my butt in gear so I can cross this off my bucket list of things to do!

Any advice for a first time marathoner?!


  1. This may sound a bit ridiculous but … before yoy actually start running you should definitely go to the toilet! There have been some rather unpleasing incidents in the last few years because people didn’t visit the poop palace before the race.
    So go and do that to have a sucessful and fun run 🙂


  2. I’ve just recently been thinking of finally signing up for a full marathon. How did you pick your race? Location? Race course?


    • I was actually looking up races that were great for a beginner marathoner. I got so many results and many were on the west coast, which would be amazing but I would definitely need to turn it into a mini vacation since I live in NJ. I work in a PT clinic where we get a lot of runners so I asked someone who has done a bunch and she actually recommended the Chicago marathon. I looked into it, apparently it’s a great flat course and you can stay close by to the starting line. However, I am looking to move out and I am traveling to Disney to run a half in January so I figured I should stay somewhat local. I was going to do the New Jersey marathon but didn’t feel like waiting until May and I heard great things about the Philly marathon, how it’s flat, not crazy populated to where you can’t move and its s great scenic run! So I figured why not lol. I wanted a flat course and when you do a google search for best marathons for beginners some sites actually tell you what the course is like. I also did not want to do a loop twice through and Philly doesn’t. Sorry for the extremely long response! Hope this helps!


      • Sounds great! Yeah, I’ve done the same google search and run into some of the same stuff you mention; time constraints, cost of a far away marathon. I am also into a a largely flat course. I’ve also heard good things about the Philly marathon. Maybe I’ll muster the courage to sign up too!


      • I just get nervous about the training. Feel pretty okay about the marathon itself. Yeesh!!


      • those are my thoughts exactly, its not the actual race its the training. If I can do this I swear anyone can lol I started running a little while ago, I have only been doing 1-2 miles as of now to get my body used to the movements and this way if I gradually increase my milage I won’t get hurt. I say go for it!!


  3. I understand your delight, but also your hesitation. I am a new runner and having just run my first 10k I am looking to sign up to a half marathon. Except I’m terrified. Everyone is telling me to go for it but… oh god it’s scary!


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