Preventing Dehydration


It’s finally warming up in NJ and that means SWEATING! Yes, you sweat all year round whether it be in the gym, during a workout class, or from a run, but when the weather gets warmer and the sun gets stronger, the more you sweat.

So how much water or fluids are you supposed to drink to stay hydrated when working out?

During exercise, evaporation is usually the primary source of heat dissipation. The evaporation from the skin’s surface assists the body in regulating its core temperature. If your body cannot rid its skin of sweat, your core temperature will rise. A side effect of sweating is the loss of valuable fluids. The rate of losing water can differentiate depending upon exercise intensity, clothing, environmental conditions, acclimatization state, baseline hydration status and it also varies person to person. Those who sweat loss exceeds fluid intake become dehydrated during activity.

Dehydration of 1-2% of body weight begins to compromise physiological function and can negatively influence performance. Dehydration greater than 3% of your body weight can increase a person’s risk of developing exertional heat illness (ex: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke). This unfortunately is commonly seen in sports or can be elicited in just an hour of exercise.
To ensure proper pre-exercise hydration, consume approximately 17-20 fl oz of water or a sports drink 2-3 hrs before exercise, and 7-10fl oz of water of a sports drink 10-20 minutes before exercise
Fluid replacement requires 7-10 fl oz every 10-20 minutes. Specific recommendations are calculated based on sweat rates, sport dynamics, and individual tolerance.
Drinking too much is also a risk to those outdoors. This too can compromise physical performance and your health.
Post exercise hydration should aim to correct any fluid loos accumulated during activity. Ideally completed within 2 hours, rehydration should contain water to restore hydration, and carbs to replenish glycogen stores and electrolytes to speed rehydration.


  1. the content is so helpful ^^ Ive been drinking water to prevent dehydration but never really get my head around all this information :”> thanks aagain


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