
Running enthusiast!

Lover of all things chocolate..especially Nutella and Reeses

Minor obsession with my black labs (Bear and Roxy)

Relocated from NJ to SC and rediscovered my love for running!

Funny how things turn out…I started blogging for a previous job (health related topics-injuries, nutrition, strengthening, etc.). I figured all my hard work should not be wasted and started writing here! As I was researching different ways to stay healthy, what exercises are most beneficial, I became so in love with running. As you will see this blog is filled with tons of posts ranging from tips, how to prevent injuries, recipes to my own story as a runner! Don’t worry, I organized it all for you!







  1. Hi Katie ~ I noticed you started following my blog, that’s awesome. Sounds like we share a love of living a healthy lifestyle! Looking forward to reading your posts! Have a great day!


  2. Hi, Katie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post on more exposure to vegetation linked with lower mortality in women. I am clearly not a gym lover, but you seem to have it working for you. Way to go! Keep up the good work!


  3. Excited to start following your blog! I’m a group fitness instructor – I know what you mean. Sometimes it’s easy to give the advice but not so easy to apply it to ourselves. It’s something I’m working on as well!


  4. I love your blog! I’ve been following about just over a month and look forward to reading your new posts. I’m also a new gym convert and LOVE working out now. Check me out at bewell.belove blog. Would you consider contributing to my blog sometime?


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